Special VIP
Special VIP- includes all retreat and summit replays and free consultations with speakers. And free full session each- with 3 randomly selected speakers including but not limited to:
- 1 free session with Dr Amba (regularly $1277 for 3)
www.sitwellness.com/medical-qigong-therapy for more details
- session with Janis McKinstry (regulary $155)
www.JanisMcKinstry.com for more details
- sessin with randomly selected 3 speakers also including
- Chris Dyer
- Kelsay Elizabeth Myers
- Sherri Danzig
- Fran Lambert
- Haley Ebersol
- plus session with other speakers not listed here (most speakers)
all detials:
Day 1 of 6 day festival ( 9 segments recorded for replays)
-Virtual Summit 1st 3 days/ Hybrid Summit last 3 days)
- all day have breakout rooms
- all days bring yellow paper, journal and drawing paper, water, comfy clothes to move in...and block off at least 2 hours after the last segment you attend for reflection, art and or journaling further.
- ideally have a folder or spiral note book to place all your notes and art, journaling in - to save for your own journey - and to add to when re listening to replays. - as well as add contact info of people you want to reconnect with
-- all speakers may continue to offer teachings in the group and ALL PAST AND FUTURE photos and LIVE videos we be their if the retreats excursions in the beautiful locations.
Monday May 13th -Day 1 (1st 3 days are virtual summit)
- 11am PT, 12MT, 1CT, 2ET- 1st segment
Kate Carter, Danielle Marggraf, Dr Amba Tobin
- 1pm PT, 2MT, 3CT, 4ET- 2nd segment
Fran Lambert, Chris Dyer, Myriam Martinez
Tuesday May 14th -Day 2
- 11am PT, 12MT, 1CT, 2ET - 3rd segment
Sherri Danzig, Mystic Rose, Dr Amba Tobin
May 14th - 11am PT, 12MT, 1CT, 2ET - 4th segment
Chris Dyer, Carmelle Riley, Dr amba
Wednesday May 15th -Day 3
- 11am PT, 12MT, 1CT, 2ET - (sement not recorded)
Dr Amba Tobin
- 1pm PT, 2MT, 3CT, 4ET - 6th segment
Janis McKinstry, Jeannette Gaiter, Dr Amba Tobin
Thursday May 16th - Day 4 (Last 3 days- Hybrid Retreat)
In person only for Thursday
Friday May 17th - Day 5 -Hybrid -Main Day of Retreat
-7am to 8:30am PT, 8PT, 9MT, 10ET - 7th segment
Priyanka Varma, Hayle Ebersole, Dr Amba Tobin
-1pm to 2:30pm PT, 2MT, 3CT, 4ET - 8th segment
Kelsay Myers, Michelle Walters, Renee Blodgett
-3pm to 5:30pm PT, 4MT, 5CT, 6ET - 9th segment-
Aimee Lyons-Adams, Dr Amba Tobin
May 18th- Day 6- Hybrid-Last Day--closing
-9am to 10:30am PT, 10MT,11CT,12ET
Dr Amba Tobin