In Person Retreat Speaker
In Person speakers
- teach virtually in Summits on 1 of 3 days - for 15 minutes
- teach in person retreat -1 hour
- in person speakers pay all travel, accommodations, food and drink (save included breakfasts at some locations)
- in person speakers pay HALF the retreat fee on VENMO or ZELLE
zelle use gmail -sitwellness@,
venmo use Dr Amba Ann Dryg-Tobin@DrAmbaAnn-Dryg
EXAMPLE- Mexico $400 is 200/ California $300 is 150/ France $600 is $300
this is for admin, publicity, marketing, tours, organizing and time of Dr Amba's team
please send ASAP in a word document
- all in Trebuchet MS1, Trebuchet MS, sans-serif
- 1. high res photo
- 2. topic & takeaways-
- include website & email
- 4. Both:
- -----a lower cost offer for all attendees
- ------& free offer of high price point for inperson attendees & VIPs
----all this in----between 4 to 6 paragraphs--not too short please--this is attracting the audience to hear your teachings as well as letting them know if they are interested in working with you - if they get the recordings when not able to attend LIVE
Trebuchet MS1, Trebuchet MS, sans-serif
this font is common to all versions of Windows and their Mac substitutes, referred sometimes as "browser safe fonts"
All Excursions and fun parts of the retreat are filmed as LIVES on private facebook group with all members of the facebook groups will see.
Bonus for speakers is the recordings on the Youtube Channel/ Podcast-interviews
as well as ability to post on Mondays- your offers coming up in ads or in LIVES.
Be sure to request entrance in facbook group DR AMBA'S WELLNESS RETREATS PRIVATE GROUP
GOAL IS TO HAVE SPEAKERS continue to be in reterats in future as paid speakers and be a part of the 5 day 5000 women Gatherings, which will be 100,000 or more women on zoom....which will be 5 parts -3 teaching and 2 in movement of excursions between including the lunch/dinner---at end of 5th section- of teaching each day- Healing Sessions REMOTELY with all speakers leading the randomly selected groups
WORLD PEACE AND THE KITCHEN SINK. - giving tools for inner peace to all women and helping all woman, men & children on the planet have homes, jobs, physical & mental health care.