Dr Amba's 15 min FEEL FANTASTIC Focus on Brain Building
Did You Know Dementia is Avoidable?
Dr Amba's Fifteen Minute Feel Fantastic Focus -Brain Building *week days For Four Weeks
Mix of Meditations, Medical Qigong Prescription Exercises, Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Affirmations, Breathwork, Brain Gym for a Healthy Memory
Four week 15 min mini classes (starting 11min after the hour)
Every Weekday (no weekends) from April 17 to May 5
Creating New Brain Pathways for Optimal Brain, Physical, Emotional Health.
*Focus For increasing Brain Function, Fun & Feel Good Energy with Ancient Tools
For Four Weeks of Weekdays From 11:11am to 11:26am Central
From weeks April 17 to May 17
Feel Fantastic -energized, re-vitalized, focused & grounded
7:11am Hawaiian
9:11am Pacific
10:11am Mountain
11:11am Central 12:11pm
12:11 Eastern
5:11pm British
6:11pm Central Europe
All recordings will be viewable for 40 days after
*** Dr Amba's Angels VIP members recordings are available for one year Amba's Angels VIP membership info go to SitWellness.com/Contact
Dr Amba Ann Dryg-Tobin is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Energetic Medicine called Medical Qigong Therapy. Graduated from the International Institute of Medical Qigong from Dr Jerry Alan Johnsons DMQ program. For more info visit DrAmbaTobin.com
15 min min series on Zoom starts Monday April 17 to May 5th 2023
What is better than feeling fantastic with focus, memory and clarity of thought with a healthy brain? Did you know that Mindset and Neuro Pathway building is only a small part of this?
Brain Health is also steering clear of dementia, strokes , neuropathy, brain fog and memory loss.
Are willing to put a daily 5 to 15 minute INVESTMENT into training your brain to be more healthy?
Are you open to learn tools including instructing your brain to DELEGATE neurons and other cells to create homeostasis and molecular actions to heal the body?
Are you interested in building brain health and learning tools to stimulate both brain hemispheres across the corpus colosseum ( brain bridge ) and to leave the reptile brain & go into the prefrontal cortex ( survival/stress part to complex thought and planning part of your brain) ?
Are you ready to exceed brilliant emotional balance and move even more- to Spiritual next level evolution- beyond any personal development you may have learned UP UNTIL NOW ?
This mini series in 15 min segments we will sample many life changing practices.
Training the brain to direct and delegate signals with intention, attention, imagination and sensation integrated with these ancient & modern tools as taught by me, Dr AMBA Dryg-Tobin.
Tools including Medical Qigong Prescription moving/still meditations, exercises, specific styles of Qigong breathwork, 5 element/yin organ healing sounds, Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Puja singing Sanskrit healing mantras, mudras, Positive Psychology, DBT, Affirmations, Positive Self- Talk, Conscious Ongoing Conversation with Higher Self/Higher Power and many more tools shared.
Weekdays 11:11am.to.11:26 sharp Central
April 17 to May 5th 2023
Feel Fantastic Focus 15 min in 15 days for $15 Mini Series on Brain Building Brain Health Ancient & Modern Tools with Dr AMBA
All Practices Help Decrease, Slow or Stop Symptoms of Dementia
- and help all AVOID a Diagnosis of Dementia
Week one
17- Power of 3 in Water and 4 Keys Practice
18- Socialization - and 1 thru 10
19- Mental Health - heart/kidneys- sleep
20- Full body Yin/Yang - neuropathy
21- CC Brain Bridge - wrist/foot - strokes
Week two
24- Nadi Shodhana Pranayama-Brain Gym
25- Inversions/Spin - inflammation/cortisol
26- Tummo Breath- inflammation/ circulation
27 - Twists- Brain Gym/ 2nd Brain Gut
28 - Hips- Kan LI -Gall bladder Decision Making
Week 3
1-Liver Mother to Heart - Frustration
2- Heart Mother to Spleen - Depression
3- Spleen Mother to Lungs- Overthinking
4- Lungs Mother to Kidneys - Shame/Guilt
5- Kidneys Mother to Liver - Fear/Loneliness
Sign up for $15 for 15 meetings of 15 minutes each
Or To learn more go to