In Person Retreat on May 17th
Friday the 17th includes trip to Bodega Bay Head and 2 different unique Beaches
and all the in house retreat activities including teachings from 1pm to 4pm
Breakfast is included-Lunch is not included and dinner is included
ask that you arrive before 8:45am- leaving house at 9am sharp for excursions
Brings layers for clothing as the temperatures can change.
Sunset is a big part of the in person -in California retreats- west facing ocean
(in Mexico on the East facing sea- on the Baja California Sur, - we see the sunrise as part of our retreats-- 2025 Marcy 16th to 21st in La Paz, BCS, Mexico)
all detials:
Day 1 of 6 day festival
-Virtual Summit (3 days)
- all day have breakout rooms
- all days bring yellow paper, journal and drawing paper, water, comfy clothes to move in...and block off at least 2 hours after the last segment you attend for reflection, art and or journaling further.
- ideally have a folder or spiral note book to place all your notes and art, journaling in - to save for your own journey - and to add to when re listening to replays. - as well as add contact info of people you want to reconnect with
-- all speakers may continue to offer teachings in the group and ALL PAST AND FUTURE photos and LIVE videos we be their if the retreats excursions in the beautiful locations.
Monday May 13th -Day 1
Virtual sunmit
Fran Lambert is a health coach and Danielle Marggraf is a manifesting coach - and myself Dr AMBA Tobin Chinese medicine healing artist are speaking in the 1st 90 min segment May 13th - 11am PT, 12MT, 1CT, 2ET
Katherine Bird is a business coach for healers and herself an author and healer. Then Dr Amba Tobin- medical qigong doctor wiill end the last segment of the day May 13th 1pm PT, 2MT, 3CT, 4ET
Tuesday May 14th -Day 2
Virtual Summit
Sherri Danzig is a life mentor speaking and I, Dr AMBA Tobin am teaching the pre- manifesting medical Qigong prescription exercise options
1st 90 min segment May 14th - 11am PT, 12MT, 1CT, 2ET
Chris Dyer is a wealth and lifestyle coach and Carmelle Riley is a manifestation coach and author of yhe SUPER MANIFESTOR speaking before I Dr AMBA teach more pre manifesting tools in yoga pranayama and Qigong breathwork in the
90 minute- 2nd segment of the day May 14th 1pm PT, 2MT, 3CT, 4ET
Wednesday May 15th -Day 3
Virtual Summit
This 1st 90 minute segment will NOT BE RECORDED - DUE TO THE ETHICAL STANDARDS OF KNOWING WHO IS TAKING THIS Sacred tool and using it.
Dr AMBA Tobin will start by leading a question answer session around what we want to manifest into our lives in abundance ... Better or more healthy relationships, physical or mental health , knowing of purpose, financial abundance or anything attendees desire. - Followed by a short cleansing medical qigong group remote session , ending with the sacred manifesting ritual. Segment will not be recorded
1st 90 min segment May 15th - 11am PT, 12MT, 1CT, 2ET
Janis E. McKinstry is a Somatic & Transpersonal Therapist and Jeanette Gaiter is a Christian spiritual teacher and they will be speaking and I will be teaching a meditation for guidance and blessings from ancestors, beings of light and our eternal soul
90 minute- 2nd segment of the day May 15th 1pm PT, 2MT, 3CT, 4ET
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Last 3 days Hybrid Retreat
Thursday May 16th - Day 4
In person
4pm arrival of in person attendees
Wine and Cheese reception
Hybrid .in person and virtual on zoom
Dr AMBA Tobin lead gentle yoga and 5 yin Qigong
- medical giving remote group session
May 16th 5pm PT, 6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET
In person
Sunset practice at Salmon Creek beach
Socialize and relax at the retreat location
Friday May 17th - Day 5
In person
Morning sunrise practice Bodega Bay Head
Early light breakfast
Silent walking Qigong on Bodega Bay Head trail
Gentle yoga practice on Doran Beach
Brunch at local Cafe
Wine sampling at local winery
Presenters in person Live from Bodega Bay- and virtually on zoom
Aimee Lyons-Adams, a healer & channel of 12 ascended masters,
Kelsay Myers, a somatic & excessive art/ dance therapist,
Renee Blodgett Berkeley Ted Talk Director & Spiritual mentor,
Michelle Walters a hypnotherapist teaching
IDr AMBA am teaching and leading call and response singing of healing Sanskrit mantras over fire ceremony aka puja . Last but not recorded of Manifesting Ritual repeat.
5 hour 3 breaks segment of the day May 17th 1pm PT, 2MT, 3CT, 4ET
Sunset picnic dinner on special small beach (not naming it publicly)
Rest and socialize at the restreat house
Last Day May 18th
In person
Sunrise Tummo meditation on Bodega Bay Head
Hybrid on Zoom
Dr. Amba Tobin teach pre manifesting and self- worth embodiment medical Qigong prescriptions and gentle yoga.. medical Qigong group remote healing session then - middle portion not recorded as we practice the ancient manifesting ritual - closing the festival meditation and intention settings for after festival.
90 min segment last segment May 18th 9 am PT, 10 MT, 11 CT, 12pm ET