For Clients with Cancer only
per item
2 available
6 months or 36 Meeting which ever comes first. It is advised to have 3 sessions a week.
Each Meeting
- There will be an amount of time we will be talking and answering questions.
- Exercises with breathing styles specific to each clients needs will be taught and practiced.
- Guided Meditation with Dr Amba some days
- Moving Meditation with Dr Amba some days
- Homework prescribed Medical Qigong assignments of journaling
- Time when the Medical Qigong Remote work will be done
- If integrative with western doctors of surgery or chemo or radiation: then specific visualizations and meditations during those times.
- If no western doctors involved, I ask that each client considers working with western doctors if only for proof of wellness progress.
- 24 hour a day phone access to Doctor Amba- for 15 min questions or support
- 2 minute videos to watch and practice along with Dr Amba 3 to 5 times a day.
- All work done Live Virtually
- Payment Plans available in 4 Payments