Feel Good Now Workshop teaches the medical qigong prescription meditation that honors our emotions as a sacred part of us. It is the natural anti-depressant.
Learning to honor the sadness, greif or depression, despair that may come into our lives is one step closer to learning valuable lessons.
Maybe you don't feel a constant state of depression or anxiety- but you have it enough to know that you would rather not feel uneasy for longer than you need to.
We want to feel good and happy everyday- but not with stuffing our emotions.
This course teaches medical qigong tools, positive psychology, DBT, transpersonal tools and affirmations for transmuting the not good feelings into FEELING GOOD.
this 90 minute workshop is a downloadable recording with PDF filled with tools and journaling prompts.
Many people suffer from depression and or have unhealthy habits to self-soothe the uncomfortable feelings of sadness or despair.
This workshop will look at self-sabatoge and tools to quickly balance our emotions to FEEL GOOD NOW. This workshop teaches the basics however if you want long term results -you must be disiplined to practice the tools.
Every challenge is a gift to grow and evolve. This workshop will explore various types of NOT feeling good and how we can honor those feelings as a sacred part of who we are and use them as a spring board to learn something unique to each individual and the specific challenges one could experience.
With the proufound revelation of these tools they also help us to be at the foundational level of manifesting our deepest desires.