The goal of this festival is world peace. More and more women having self-love and inner peace he faster it will ripple outword and bring about WORLD PEACE.
INSPIRED action and solutions with Medical Qigong Therapy principles: 1. Intention 2. Attention 3. Imagination 4. Sensation...... these last two are vital to be contiuously creating within our hearts. We are creating first from ability to imagine it to be so -and feel it as it is...& intention and attention on these make it the utmost powerful from a self-love and inner peaceful ever growing group of women.
Our Private Women's Facebook Group will host 12 women each day for 21 days of the 4th Mercury Retrograde in 2024
This online Festival takes place in FACEBOOK "LIVEs" over 200 women presenting on various topics to help bring world peace by more women having inner peace.
* 12am pacific 2am 4am 6am 8am 10am 12 pm 2pm 4pm 6pm 8pm last of the day 10pm Every day for 21 days *
All presenters will be between 28 minutes & 108 minutes within a 2 hour segment on the private women's fb group:
World Peace comes from Inner Peace. I have a regisgtrered trademark, "EVERY CHALLENGE IS A GIFT TO GROW AND EVOLVE."
I am Dr Amba Tobin, my grandmother was Bolivian and was a victim of domestic voilence, I also exerienced domestic violence. Below is myself and my oldest daughter who is a surviving and thriving young woman after experiencing years of domestic violence from her sons father.
* being aware that a relationship may be toxic- that our loved ones may be suffering- does not give us the tools to help them- there is a non profit that helps family and community know HOW to help someone we care about- get out and safe.
It is an organization ran by one of our community members and presenters Tami McGirr to help families to help loved ones, however her website is down temporarily.
* So for now, please donate to The National Council On Family & Domestic Violence
Sometimes we cannot see the gifts in the challenges we are presented with. This Festival is all about women helping women with tools to be empowered to face challenges with strength and take in the wisdom with grace and ease.
May all beings everywhere be happy and free.
lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
The Miami Retreat connected to this Festival is Dec 4th to 7th, 2024 details on the page