"Amba has the healing touch. The combination of her skills is truly an experience like no other. Amba has something people can only be born with-the innate intuition of what needs working on and how to heal it.
Coming from someone such as myself, those of us who have sought alternative health in all forms, know when this is someone to recommend highly to others. It is an experience like no other." |
Remote Session Testimonial:
"I so appreciate what Dr. Amba does for me. I had two very serious accidents resulting in concussions with the result that I was in bed for over a year with achingly painful headaches. Since Dr. Amba has been working on me, the headaches are no longer totally debilitating.
Dr. Amba is doing for me what no other medical personnel were able to do. She treats my whole body, asking the kinds of questions that will illuminate for her, and myself, the issues I'm facing. My life is very different now, after three months of working with her. She gives me exercises I can do between sessions to augment the healing." |
"Dr. Amba Ann Dryg, DMQ is quite possibly one of the most intuitive and knowledgeable health practitioners I've ever met in my life. The psychological, physical and mental healing that she facilitated has transformed me.
I felt enlightened and on top of the world each time I walked out of Amba's office, and she gave me practical exercises and tools to work with in between medical sessions. I truly thank Amba for helping me heal and to move forward with my life without anxiety, with a deeper knowledge of myself and an authority over my own decisions." |
Details as the Dates and Times Change as these are only available within our Self-Care and Self-Love Retreats in the last hour of the 1st day and the Last Day of the Retreats
and a few times a year
more info go to sitwellness.com/contact
$1600 for 12 months - once a month sessions
These are shorter than regular sessions for return clients- that will reference homework that was previously given as advised by Dr Amba
Client has their own portal of their own specific exercises, meditations and journaling questions to see in their files.
$133.33 per session