Speaker Collaborator Contribution for Live Virtually on Zoom
Virtual and In Person speakers
- teach virtually in PRE-RETREAT Summits on 1 of 3 days - for 15 to 30 minutes
2 three hour segements that have 2 short breaks/ 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm Pacific
1 three hour segment on the middle days of the retreat to be announced
- or teach virtually for max 30 minutes
- after each teachings-have prompt for 15 minute-2 person breakout rooms
- admin fee of $122
- best if you use Vemno or Zelle if this is your 2nd time speaking -
- use gmail account which we will be emailing from sitwellness@g mail dot com & for Venmo use Dr Amba Ann Dryg-Tobin@DrAmbaAnn-Dryg $122.22
please send ASAP
- headshot high resolution
- talk title
- website
By paying the $122.22 you are agreeing to
- send out 1 dedicated email abou this event and your talk- to your people--with this link www.sitwellness.com/retreats
- post 2 times before the event- in different groups
- like and comment on all posts you are tagged in (must be 4 or more words)
Maybe you will not be in person
All Excursions if you can make it - or not--you can still post once a week- a live of teachings--3 to 5 in--- or a post on any event you have- and fun parts of the retreat are filmed as LIVES on private Facebook - if you are not already friends go to
- www.Facebook.com/amba.tobin
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/dr.amba.wellness.retreats.private.fb.group
GOAL IS TO HAVE SPEAKERS continue to be in retreats in future as paid speakers and be a part of the 5 day 5000 women Gatherings, which will be 100,000 or more women on zoom....which will be 5 parts -3 teaching and 2 in movement of excursions between including the lunch/dinner---at end of 5th section- of teaching each day- Healing Sessions REMOTELY with all speakers leading the randomly selected groups
WORLD PEACE AND THE KITCHEN SINK. - giving tools for inner peace to all women and helping all woman, men & children on the planet have homes, jobs, physical & mental health care.