Speaker Collaborator Contribution for Live Virtually on Zoom
Virtual and In Person speakers
- teach virtually in PRE-RETREAT Summits on mutally decided minutes
at the specific segment - which you are required to stay for whole segment and ideally you attend all segments of each specific retreat- but not required.
- teach in person or virtually - in person $108 is subtracted from retreat fee
- admin fee of $108 for all speakers that helps cover graphic designer & assistants
- your presentation alotted time and date- you must stay for the whole segment and please attend all segments of the virtual retreat as humanly possible to support other speakers and to be in the breakout rooms
- If you have not already signed up to be a speaker for 90 mins to 108 minutes in the Festival- see the link below- we still have 2 hour sements open-from nov 24th to dec 15th- 24 hours a day for 21 days
please send ASAP via FACEBOOK to www.fb.com/amba.tobin :
- headshot high resolution
- talk title
- website
please be sure to join the private facebook group where the LIVEs of excursions will be shown and where you can post or do LIVES once a week to promote or teach - and connect with the community....reach out to women if you did or did not spend time during the retreat with them in the retreat "zoom break out rooms"
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/dr.amba.wellness.retreats.private.fb.group
All retreat attendees and presenters must register on Zoom for the retreat and by registering - all women are agreeing to recieve newsletters from all the in person and virtual presenters and may unsubscribe at any time
- it is important to reach out and request they add you to their contacts on their emails OR
- even better - HAVE A FREE OFFER LINK FOR THEM- THAT HAS THEM ENTER THEIR EMAIL IN ORDER TO RECIEVE IT- that adds them to your newsletter and sends out a confirmation to them.
By paying for this you are agreeing to:
- send out 1 dedicated email abou this event and your talk- to your people--with this link www.sitwellness.com/retreats
- post 2 times before the event- in different groups
- like and comment on all posts you are tagged in (must be 4 or more words and a like or a love )
- check your messenger every couple days- so you can see that i sent your the post-and you must go to the post in the group or page that i tagged you and like and comment ( just another way you see that i did post- you will also get a notification- the little bell up in the right corner of your facebook page- so you know i have posted with your name
- if you use Instagrm or Tiktok- also like and comment 4 or more words- and share the Youtube video - i will make of you in an interview format for 1 or 2mintues.
- you will use the copy i give you- modify it- and use the professional Ad made by our graphic designer with all the speakers and your photo.
Maybe you will not be in person
GOAL IS TO HAVE SPEAKERS continue to be in retreats in future as paid speakers and be a part of the 5 day 5000 women Gatherings, which will be 100,000 or more women on zoom....which will be 5 parts -3 teaching and 2 in movement of excursions between including the lunch/dinner---at end of 5th section- of teaching each day- Healing Sessions REMOTELY with all speakers leading the randomly selected groups--
and the main Goal is World peace through inner peace within as many women possible- and empowering us all to stay or get in
alighment with our highest good and help ourselves and others.
WORLD PEACE AND THE KITCHEN SINK. - giving tools for inner peace to all women and helping all woman, men & children on the planet have homes, jobs, physical & mental health care.
If possible, any festival that may be going on at the same time- you can participate in by speaking on or present any teaching through experience or talk--in the same private facebook group - we can discuss that
to book more time for questions go to ask at www.fb.com/amba.tobin or sitwellness.com/contact